Well, I just got back from an awesome two-week intensive Young Life retreat in the Catskills and boy, is my bible tired. So here are some long jams, some short jams, and a dance jam that I've been meaning to post for the past two weeks. Yeah!
By the by, if your soul needs more four to the floor action then provided below, I, God's messenger, point you HERE (if you haven't heard or gotten a copy of Carl Craig's remix of Theo Parrish's 'Falling Up', they gots you covered.)
Averus-Side B (from the album II--dudes played the barn last night, and besides being too nice, they tore shit down)
Gang Gang Dance-Retina Riddim (soundtrack to their new dvd--fucking amazing)
Sorcerer-Surfing at Midnight (Prins Thomas Miks) (a little disappointing considering the awesomeness of the a side. more of an edit than a remix, but it certainly has the p. thomas sheen on it)
Stark Reality-All You Need to Make Music

And for a tasty bonus jam, I recently met a homie by the name of Dan Breen who blew my mind away with his external hard drive and the jewels it houses (including that Stark Reality jammer above). Here are two examples of his musical manipulation. Example A is part of his James Brown 45=33 project in which he screws the godfather down from a frenetic shuffle to a mid-tempo meltdown. My love for screwed techno will soon be making a glorious debut on this blog. Screwed Records II, the time is now!
Example B is a brilliant (yes, brilliant) mash-up of Daniel Johnston and King Tubby. Hear it for yourself. And for all you ex-murderlanders out there, give homie the luv.
James Brown-Hot Pants (screwed version)
Daniel Johnston/King Tubby-King Kong Dub (DB mix)
Alright, expect more coherent posts in the future. But for the present, here's a feast for your eyes (click to unearth glory).