Keeping in line with the season, according to William James, Hegel totally makes a lot more sense when you inhale an assload of nitrous oxide. I'd have to disagree with Wm. James and say Hegel makes sense about never, but hey, if he's happy...let the good times roll!
Anywho, for those not celebrating Hitler's birthday or the eighth(?) anniversary of the Colombine shootings, here are some jammers for my domers whom I can't chill with today. Music for getting nice, cuddling up on your boo, and/or walking into the sun. If I wasn't so fucking busy/lazy I would have made a chill-ass mix. My bad, dudes.
Piero Umiliani-Green Valley
Joe GIbbs & the Professionals-Angolian Chant
Jacno-Triangle (ps-Cool dude/guy that manages Semiotext(e) Hedi El Kholti turned me upside down with this track all summer long, which I thought was a super rare French electro jam from the 70s that I would never hear again. But as Surrender pleasantly surprised me back in January, Tigersushi put this on their So Young, but So Cold comp a couple years back. I fucking love this song.)
Rekid-Space 85 (not so much for cuddling as for boning)
King Sunny Ade-365 is my Number/Dial
Piero Umiliani-Pretty
The Field-Kappsta (damn, this track IS good)

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