Though I've been locked up in the padded media isolation chamber of the TRP CyberMansion, a boy still needs to get his twerk on. I nearly hopped in the car the second I caught word from S. Surrender that there would be an XLR8R/Spectral show tonight in Chicago (only a 7 hour drive from Ohio) headlined by the Dude, Daedelus. I saw the Guy in LA over the summer, and after sitting through two flaccid sets by Mia Doi Todd and Mystic Chords of Memory (I was reading during the latter), my skull got shattered by His traveling electro-light show. Anyway, if you're in the Chi-Chi, check it:
Friday, January 19, 2007
Derek Plaslaiko (Spectral Sound | Detroit/NYC) - DJ
Plus DeviceP (Hefty! Records | Detroit) - live
Daedelus (Mush, Ninja Tune, Plug Research | LA) - DJ
Atomly (Atomiq, Carpark | Chicago/Berlin) - live
@ Sonotheque (1444 W. Chicago)
9 PM - 2 AM , 21+, $5

Now, I'm certainly no hater of the DFA (as easy as it may be, dudes are still boasting Dalia&Gavin, Black Dice, Tim Sweeney, and themselves), but the LCD Soundsystem was never an act I warmed up to. Maybe it's Murphy's stupid voice and voicals, maybe it's just a feeling that they're trying a tad too hard to be the Talking Heads circa 1980-1, I dunno, I just don't like 'em. But I did get down to "The Nike Album", especially around minute 12 when a bouncy glockspiel and bassy snyth jam kicks up. Well, it turns out they liked it too and it's a song off of their upcoming album, which I hadn't bothered to listen to the past two months...until now (nah, probably not). It definitely has the potential to be the suburban drive feel-good jam of the year (or at least, for today). It's some hot shit, and totally redeems Sir Murphy for the abyssmal "My Love" remix.
LCD Soundsystem-Someone GreatNow to get back to some familiar territory, Isolée released a super laid-back and super good EP last year, Hermelin, that is like a cool-down jog after the hyper-condensed marathon that was Wearemonster. "Willy Skipper" conjures up all kinds of Krautish tropes without ever really feeling hackneyed or derivative, instead just propelling you into Autodome terrain, where even the telephone polls are getting down.
Isolée-Willy SkipperNow, for more chilled, not iced bangers, we go to my 'favorite new artists of 2006' (wow, I am so full of my own shit that is literally coming out of my mouth), Hatchback and Sorcerer, two West Coast homies that kick out some majorly good vibrations. This is off their 2006 digital ep on
Sentrall Records.
Italo on downers:
Hatchback&Sorcerer-White SowetoNow, to get some of the backstory, let's say hi to our BFF's, CAN, during their "We Are the World" phase. "Sunshine Day and Night" off of 1977's Saw Delight basically does the first half of Remain in Light in 6 minutes and 3 years before that miracle actually came into this world. This song clicks along with that motorik tick while constantly threatening to hop off the highway into some jungle love.
Can-Sunshine Day and Night"Finally, we have the Kraut SuperGroup, Harmonia and two tracks from two different worlds. First up is from the Musik von Harmonia version of the group. "Dino" was on post-punk junk last fall, but it so beautifully macks the Cluster/Neu connection that I have to post it. Then, we have the come-down: the one luxurious diamond on the otherwise solemn Harmonia 76 album, "Les Demoiselles." If Hawaii was in Germany, this is the type of music "those people" would make.
Musik von Harmonia-DinoHarmonia 76-Les DemoisellesAlso, for the record, there is a bomb Pilooski Mix over at
D*I*R*T*Y and a fly "European Vacation" mix by Riton and Fergadelic over at the near-perfect
Beats in Space.